Blooming Brains- Online Reading Tutors

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Blooming Brains

Online Reading Tutors

Genesis Rose, M.Ed
Literacy Consultant

Discover Customized Tutoring Solutions

I customize my teaching to meet your child's unique needs, using the DORA assessment to address specific learning gaps. Schedule a free consultation to discuss reading goals and create a personalized plan.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Click below to find a time that works best for you. Let’s start the journey to improve reading skills together!

Guaranteed Results in 12 Weeks or Less with My Evidence-Based Program!


"Since joining the reading group, my daughter's progress has been remarkable. She's not only become a better reader but also made lasting friendships."

Sarah Clark

"Genesis taught my daughter how to enjoy reading again. Now she is reading chapter books on her own!"

Shawn Wilson

"Genesis was awesome with our daughter in teaching her how to comprehend what she was reading and making it make sense to her. She now enjoys reading and is not afraid to pick up a book and not fearing to understand what she is reading. Her approach is simple, straight forward and effective."

Brian McCollum

"Before connecting with Genesis for tutoring, my daughter struggled with reading. She'd often stumble over words, leading to frustration, and grasping the meaning behind the text was tough for her. However, after working with Genesis, it's like a whole new world has opened up for her! She's genuinely excited about reading now and does so effortlessly. What's even more impressive is that she can talk about what she's reading with confidence and clarity. If you're looking to give your child a boost in their reading and writing journey, I can't recommend Genesis highly enough!”

Lena Watts
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